I’d like to make a pledge
Every day, landscape architects transform spaces, shape communities, and drive meaningful change. But behind every successful project and innovation is a network of support—an ecosystem of collaboration, learning, and shared growth. Thank you for investing in that ecosystem, so we can continue to strengthen and expand it.
As an individual or as a company, we are pleased to become part of the BSLA Circle of Support.
This is a pledge form. We will follow up with an invoice. You may choose to pay in 2024 or 2025. OR, for amounts less than $2500, pay today by credit card.
If you’d like to make a payment by credit card today, please click here to be redirected to the secure credit card payment page. If you prefer to pay by check or bank transfer or for donations/sponsorships above $2500, please just fill out the form above and we will follow up with an invoice.
If you're interested yet have some questions, please be in touch. We're happy to discuss. Email gretchen@bslanow.org or call Gretchen at 617 686 4362 to start a conversation.
The Boston Society of Landscape Architects, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit 501c(6) professional association. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. They may be deductible as trade or business expense. Please consult your tax advisor.