ASLA Connecticut (with UConn Plant Science and Landscape Architecture and the Connecticut Green Building Council) presents a full-day continuing education symposium, Ecological Approaches to Landscape Design + Green Infrastructure, on September 22 at the Dodd Center on the University of Connecticut Storrs campus.
Part One of this symposium will highlight recent landscape architecture work at the University, both at the master plan and project execution levels, with a series of presentations on ecological design, soil science, and stormwater engineering. Part Two will be a presentation and tour of the new Science 1 Building and Woodland Walk (dedicated in June) by the University and design team members. A reception will follow. This program will appeal to landscape architects/designers, architects, engineers, planners, landscape contractors, and green industry peers. Continental breakfast, lunch, exhibitor tables, CEUs, and ample opportunities for networking are included.
For more information on the workshops, speakers, and schedule of the day, see the brochure or learn more on the event page.
[Images: Woodland Corridor (photo: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.) / Science 1 Research Center (photo: Robert Benson Photography) / Toscano Family Ice Forum (photo: Langan)]